Argo-braze™ Filler Metals
Argo-braze alloys
Argo-braze™ products are most commonly used for brazing cemented tungsten carbide and tungsten carbide faced PCD tips. The manganese and/or nickel in them improve wetting of the filler metal.
Tri-foils are composite materials with the brazing filler metal shown above on either side of a central copper core. They are designed to artificially thicken a joint, relieving stress and reducing the incidence of cracking. Tri-foils are commonly used for brazing of large tungsten carbide segments (>20mm) and in cases where residual stress from cooling is a factor.
Argo-braze™ alloys are also available which can be used in vacuum applications and to prevent interfacial corrosion.
For Tungsten Carbide and PCD
For Tungsten Carbide and PCD
For Stainless Steel
Vacuum Applications
Aerospace and Misc.
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