Lead-Free Solder
Bill Shorthouse Metals supplies a full-range of Lead Free, RoHS & REACH compliant solder - available in ingot, bar, sticks, pellets, & lead-free solder wire, solid and flux cored and in diameters from 3.5mm to down 0.5mm.
On July 1st 2006 the RoHS (Restriction of use of certain Hazardous Substances) restricted the use of lead based materials (and other materials) in the manufacture of electronic and electronic equipment. RoHS has a fundamental impact on the electronics industry. It is closely linked with, and takes its scope from, the WEEE (Waste and Electronic Equipment) Directive.
On March 1st 2018 restrictions on the sale of lead, both on its own and in a mixture (including in solder products), came into force. Whilst the use of lead was already restricted for specified uses (Entry 63 of REACH Annex XVII), the classification of lead as a Category 1A reproductive toxicant means that additional restrictions on the supply of leaded solders to customers applies.
This means that as of 1 March 2018, Bill Shorthouse Metals are no longer able to supply leaded solders to the general public where the individual concentration is equal to or greater than 0.03% for mixtures containing lead metal powder (such as Solder Paste), and 0.3% for mixtures containing lead in massive form (such as Solder Wire, Bar Solder, Tinmans).
The information given in this technical data sheet is to the best of our knowledge accurate. It is intended to be helpful but no warranty is expressed or implied regarding the accuracy of such data. It is the users responsibility to determine the suitability of his own use of the product described herein: and since conditions of use are beyond our control, we disclaim all liability with respect to the use of any material supplied by us. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as permission or as recommendations to practice any patented invention without a license from the patent owner nor as recommendation to use any product or to practice any patented invention without a license from the patent owner nor as recommendation to use any product or to practice any process in violation of any law or any government regulations.